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Thursday 6 September 2012

Week-end de la braderie

Each year in many different cities over Europe they have a big sort of garage sale/market all over the cities to get rid of stuff at the end of summer. They call this La Braderie in french, meaning "the flea". In my city, Lille, there is the biggest Braderie in Europe. That means that people from all over Europe come to Lille to sell, buy, swap and look at everything! There was music everywhere, stands everywhere, street performers everywhere, and just people absolutely everywhere, over 2 million come for the event. A few friends and I had a few things we wanted to sell, so we set up our own little stall. I sold a few books I had finished with a few clothes that no longer fitted me, I made a profit of 30 euros, which I was pretty happy with! During la Braderie, it is tradition to eat mussels and fries together. So on Sunday my host mum took me out to get some! After everyone has finished eating the mussels, they put the shells into heaps of different piles over the cities, by the end of the weekend there was mussel castles everywhere. On Sunday night, I changed families for the very last time. It was sad to leave my old family behind, but my new family are really nice too! I feel really at home here, everything is going really well. I have a host sister my age, who was in Australia with Rotary last year, and two older host brother, a host mum, a host dad and 3 cats! Now I am back at school, my class is really good and everything is going really well. Less than a week and I will see my real parents from Australia after 7 months, I can't wait to see them.

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