I thought I would do a blog about how my French is coming a long..
I made a lot of progress in my French after the winter holidays (about my sixth week in France), I came back from holidays and everyone at school was telling me my French had improved a lot. Since then it has gotten better too, I can now hold a normal conversation with people and understand pretty much everything. I can now watch television in French and understand what they are saying too, which is really cool and makes everything a lot easier. I still have a lot to learn, especially with my pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary in general. Some days I wake up with great French, and others it is terrible, it is really weird. Sometimes I feel like my French is good then other times I feel like I have gotten no where. French can be really hard and confusing, and sometimes it feels like I will never completely understand everything but it is getting a lot easier now. Here is an example of how the French language is different to English.
A little French lesson for you...
"S'il vous plaît" means "Please"
(Like we do in English Do + not= Don't)
Si + il = S'il
Si: if
il: he, it (in this case "it", normally used as he)
"Vous plaît":
In french Direct object and Verb are the inverse to english.
English: I love you
French : Je t'aime (I you love) (see how it's switched?)
** if french was the same way as english it would be: Je Aime te or J'aime toi
Vous=Formal way of saying you for an adult or plural for a group of people. (tu = you, for friends and family)
Plait= From the verb phrase "Faire Plaisir": to please, conjugated for "il"
Vous plaît: Pleases you
S'il Vous Plaît: If it pleases you. = Please
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